Can IT Innovation Change-and Improve-Mental Healthcare Delivery?
It may come as a surprise, but when it comes to evolving mental healthcare, clinicians and researchers may benefit by taking a thoughtful...

Mental Health Parity Comes to Texas!
The Texas legislature votes that existing state laws don’t go far enough to protect patients’ access to mental health care. It’s no...

The Thrill of Victory, the Agony of the Unknown
Our PHQ-9 data collection and analysis project revealed that over time, our clients’ depression symptoms improved. The question is, why?...

The Big Reveal
We gathered and tracked PHQ-9 test results from forty of our clients. Did we improve their mood—or did we just collect a lot of paper? In...

The Actuary and the Therapist: A Love Story
Definition Actuary : 1. Insurance. a person who computes premium rates, dividends, and assesses risk via probabilities based on...

Evidence Based (Validated) Treatment: What it Means for Patients
In medicine, adding the words “evidence” and “valid” to an instrument, treatment, or concept lends them a sense of gravity and...